i'm in trinidad n i don't have a income HELP!!please

ok I am in Trinidad I came back here to see about my mother but she died so now I have no income she was a pensioner I was trying to get some money to come back to Holland form family n friends but they could not help me at the time ..n now the whole world is shut down with the virus n I'm still here without an income it's not easy I have lived in Holland for many of my years n worked really hard...Sorry I'm trying not to be to emotional forgive me ...So can you please HELP....thank you bless

Vraag gesteld door: Indora Isidora
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Jason: If you a have a dutch pasport you can come to holland and try to get a house or you should live in with somebody. You can get “bijstandsuikering” but when tou live together with someone else, that person may not have income. Think the best way is to start having an adress in Holland where you can live!